Sunday, August 10, 2014

Interview With M.C. Rayne

So funny when I originaly asked Matt to fill in these questions he was hoping to be published. Congratulations on being accepted by a publishing house.
Okay so my first victim..I mean author is M.C.Rayne (Matt), who
I have had the pleasure of knowing and writing with on several occasions. BUT... hmmm now he didn't read the top part of the email. However the answers were so awesome I have decided to post all of them incl a piece from his original story
Flavours Of Our Life

1.If you could have a T shirt with a slogan on it
that describes you / your life what would it be?

 Matt: Absolutely Flawless hahaha - I actually
hav...e no idea, anything which doesn't bring too much
attention my way, but it MUST have sparkles on it *nods*

 2.If you were stranded on a desert island, what are the four
things that you would want to have with you?

Matt: 1. Music, I would not be able to go on without my music! 2.
My iPad so I can still write, that would actually lead me into three and four,
power and internet. I will assume the island already has food and water???
DAMMIT, I forgot to include Kellan Lutz! I need more options!

3.Did you make a conscious decision to become a writer, or did
it just happen?

 Matt: I am still 'to be published' author, just need to complete
what I am on then I can call myself an author. In regards to the actual
question, I never thought about it, I just always played things out in my head.
Just over a year ago my mum died and my good friend Loopy Lou introduced me to
Fan-fiction, and with some encouragement from other authors I penned my first
story and then the addiction started. Now I am moving into original fiction I am
more terrified then I ever was about posting a fan-fiction piece, not that I
look down at FF at all, it just seems a little more scary - somehow

4. Favorite childhood book?

Matt: The Worst Witch series hehe, I love things about witches
and as a kid this just felt fun and helped me get lost in

 5. Favorite book now?

Matt: I am still proud to say its the Harry Potter series! I will
read anything, but I will read these books again and again because they just
take you on a journey every time. A classic I love is Turn Of The Screw by Henry

6. What 3 pieces of advice could you give to writers who are
embarking on publishing their work?

 Matt: Ask me when I am actually published LOL, just give me about
a month (fingers crossed) 

 7. if you could choose to have lunch with any 2 people alive or
dead who would it be and why?

 Matt: Cher! OMG, I know, stereotype, but I adore her and would
love to have a good old bitch with her. Tom Hanks because I have had the hots
for him since I was about 11 LOL 

  8. Who would you say is your biggest influence in your life?

Matt: I don't have one, its all the friends I have seen get
published, and the ones I can see trying like myself.

  9. Favorite flavour of Ice cream?

Matt: All of them in one bowl, yum! 

  10. Satin or Silk (sheets).
Matt: Neither, I hate silk sheets as
too slippy and no to satin also. Gimmie jersey or cotton :-)

11. What media is your motivation when poetry?

 Matt: Depends on my mood, normally classical music because
lyrics distract me 

 12. Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

Matt: Still too terrified to publish HA! 

 13. Favorite film?

Matt: Anything and everything! I do love superhero movies like
Batman, but then I love classics like The Wizard Of Oz. I also love all horrors

 14. Do you have a genre of story you haven’t yet attempted?

 Matt: Once I have finished Flavours Of My Life (my current WIP) I
want to move into fantasy, I feel very comfortable there. 

15. What takes you out of your comfort zone?

 Matt: Fluffy love crap! Bad word I know, but I can't do the
whole love thing. I prefer to have a reader crying, I find a sad story stays
with you longer.

 16. Converse or heels?
Matt: heels of course LOL, joking, but couldn't resist 

17. Greatest achievement to date?

 Matt: Getting myself through university. Yes I have a very
supportive family, but as we are not cash rich I had to pay for what I needed.
Guess I appreciated it more.

18. Three characteristics you like about

 Matt:  I cannot talk to people I don't like! If someone annoys
me I would just rather tell them and move on. There is only one side to my face.
2. I think I am funny, I make myself laugh! 3. My need to make people happy.

19. Three characteristics you do not like about

Matt:. my lack of confidence. 2. My need to make people happy,
its kind of a good/bad thing. 3. my inability to think I have talent even when
people say I do 

20. Favorite place on earth?

Matt: England, I love it here hence why I travel very little
(also, I hate flying. Until I can get there by ruby slipper, I am staying HERE) 

21. If you could get in your car today with a full tank and go
anywhere, where would you go and why?

Matt: Hospital - I can't drive 

22. Best excuse you have used for NOT writing

 Matt: The TV is on :-)  (Yeah Matt heard that a few times lol) 

23. Priority in a new home..Library or Pool?

Matt: A dance floor and a pole! who needs anything else? 

24. Simpsons or Family Guy?

Matt: Simpsons (American Dad is better than FG) 

 25. If you could have written or could write a script for a
famous actor or actress who would it be, what would it be about and

 Matt: Nicole Kidman. I want to see her play the part she did in
Australia, but when she asks if you would like to hear a story. When she asked
this, I was in the cinema and actually said yes (oh the shame) 

 26. First piece you ever wrote (any age)?
Matt: The Next Three Days. Was also my first fan-fiction :-) 

Excerpt from Flavours of Our Life by M.C.Rayne.

My life is a bitter fabrication to what those outside the four
walls I call home get to see. When our door closes at night, gone to are the
happy, smiling faces people perceive to dwell, and out come the family
who just can’t disguise how they feel any longer. We don't chose to live within
the consuming darkness, it's just something we have grown accustomed to have
shadowing our days, plaguing our every waking hour.  I know I sound miserable,
but happiness is not easily faked when you live a counterfeit life. This is just
something the Wood family have to contend with. Being negative is not the
attitude I wish to have, to bask in my undoing and relish within misery, but how
do you face each second of every day when everything and everyone just wants to
kick you when you're down?  Having answers to these questions I ask myself on an
ongoing loop in my head is all I need, for someone to take me by the hand and
lead me towards the oracle who foresees my future and can tell me why; just

 MC Rayne's Facebook Page

MC Rayne's Blogger

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